Sharing is Caring, right?

I'm sharing my adventures from the D to the District, random thoughts, experiences living with Fibromyalgia, frustration with grad school, and exactly how I feel about the craziness going on in this world. I promise to keep it really real and I hope you learn something or laugh while here. And please...comment! ~Smooches, misstorilynn

Monday, June 21, 2010

Well worth it

I've been known to do some things or buy some things that make people say hmmmmm. Well, splurging on a fantastic ticket to see Maxwell & Jill Scott is something I did recently. But the crazy part isn't that i'm kinda-sorta-unemployed and I paid lots for the ticket. The insane part is that I went alone.

Let me restate that, I, as in Victoria Lynn Holmes aka Tori aka VH1 aka Cheeks, went ALONE. This is mos def a DC Tori thing because back in the D/WB - I barely go to CVS alone.

Best part was that when I got to the Verizon Center and got my Double Goose Gimlet - I could care less:) I was doing me.

The concert was amazing. Not on some let's get hype, white boy wasted type of high, but on a real talk, grown, sexy, emotional, speak to my soul kind of high.

I left the concert that night with these thoughts:

1. Jill is NO JOKE. Beyonce who? This songstress exudes beauty that can't be bought. Her voice almost had me in tears and her words are so sincere. She catapulted herself up there with my all-time fave Lauryn Hill.

2. Say what you want. Maxwell can be gay. He can be the Jolly Green Giant for all I care. What I know is that I didn't even need to see him perform. I closed my eyes and listened to him sing REAL MUSIC - the kind that sent a chill down my spine. He can get it anyday...

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