Sharing is Caring, right?

I'm sharing my adventures from the D to the District, random thoughts, experiences living with Fibromyalgia, frustration with grad school, and exactly how I feel about the craziness going on in this world. I promise to keep it really real and I hope you learn something or laugh while here. And please...comment! ~Smooches, misstorilynn

Monday, January 10, 2011

Holy Boobs!

I finally took a hint from friends and suitors that it was time I go for an updated bra fitting. And whoa, what an enlightening experience. It was a relatively quick and painless appointment, but it sure wasn't cheap. Like majority of women, I was wearing the wrong size. But I will say that I think my last measurement at Victoria's Secret must have been done by a new girl because there is no way I've grown that much.

After trying on nearly 15 bras to determine what size these girls really are...I felt absolutely compelled to make a purchase. (fitting appointment is free 99). With this new size comes a new price range and this chica will no longer be throwing the latest polka dotted selection in basket when I was only suppose to be at Target for some body wash.

45 minutes, two cup sizes up, and $200 later - I felt like a new woman. The feeling of a new, properly fitted bra was refreshing. I almost wanted to walk down Pennsylvania Ave. showing off the new lace.

The sad part is that tomorrow I'll have to go through my intimates collection and prepare to donate all the cute and colorful bras I've collected over the years (mostly from Target - love love Gilligan and O'Malley). What I won't do is give up my now too small 100 ways bra from Victoria's Secret. That thing is still amazing.

Ladies, do yourself a favor and get fitted! You'll feel like a Pretty Woman...walking down the street =)

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